Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wednesday May 6, 2009

Just got back from vacation. I traveled up into the mountains near Tokushima. Being there reminded me of home- I haven't heard birds sing in a really long time! There was some extraordinary hiking there and the view was indescribable. We stayed at this really amazing place called Chiihori with a lot of great history. To give you an idea of how high we were in the mountains, supposedly during the Edo periods the Emperor used to hide up in these mountains where nobody could find him.

Anyway, it was a great weekend filled with hiking, drinking, eating, singing, and I also went to an Onsen (public bathing house) for the first time which was quite relaxing. We met this really great couple from Amsterdam who were also staying as well as an Englishman who owns a sourcing agency in Delhi, where he lives. Pictures will be up soon. Sorry it has been awhile- the pace will pick up soon.

Currently Reading-
1) Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk
2) The Road- Cormac McCarthy

Currently Listening
1) Jack Nitzsche- Three Piece Suite
2) Jim O'Rourke- I'm Happy and I'm Singing and a 1,2,3,4
3) Curtis Mayfield- There's No Place Like America Today
4) Tim Hecker- An Imaginary Country
5) Ry Cooder- Paris, Texas
6) Deerhunter- Microcastle / Weird Era Cont.
7) Wipers- Box Set
8) William Basinski- 92982
9) St Vincent- Actor
10) Gas- Nah Und Fern


  1. Glad you had a good vacation! Anxious to see the pictures. Miss You! Love Mom

  2. Both of those books are on my summer to-read list, actually.
